The Dietetic Program received a grant from Henry J. and Camille J. Shaffer Dorn Foundation to support Dietetics Teaching and Simulation Laboratory for Medical Nutrition Therapy (NFSC460) and Nutrition Assessment (NFSC380) courses. Funds were used since May 2017 to purchase tools that create a unique learning experience for Dietetic Students to practice clinical interactive skills. The devices include a tube feeding manikin, tube feeding pump, tube feeding syringes and bags, stethoscopes to monitor bowel sounds, blood pressure monitor, digital hand dynamometer for grip strength measurement, and pitting edema trainer.
The manikin pictured below has three routes for tube or enteral feeding. The set includes a feeding route pannel and a chest anatomy sheet to facilitate anatomical understanding. The three routes include oral, nasogastric, and percutaneous endoscopy gastrostomy (PEG) with a tube inserted directly into the stomach through the abdomen to allow feeding with real liquid foods. The human simulator is an effective training tool to enable students to integrate what they learn in the classroom with what they will see in a real life workplace environment. Students will acquire skills of enteral tube nutrition.