
Former Graduates Discuss Dietetic Internship with SDA Members November 13, 2017

Alumni panel with SDA members and faculty advisor, Dr. Margaret Udahogora, R.D.

December 8, 2017

On November 13th, Student Dietetic Association, SDA (formerly known as FAN Club) members gathered to listen to an alumni panel speak about their experiences with the dietetic internship process. The panel included the registered dietitians Shelby Vaughn, Philip Bobrowsky, Lee Crosby, and Melinda Cater. The alumni spoke about their experiences with open houses, the application process, the internship itself, and what they are doing since having completed their internships. Some of the alumni even provided their resume and personal statement as an example. Members had plenty of time to ask questions and learn more about the internships the alumni completed (Virginia Tech, Sodexo, and Johns Hopkins). Everything from tips, how interns are selected, and their thoughts on graduate school was covered. It was a great learning experience for everyone and was both incredibly helpful and encouraging to hear from them, especially as seniors begin their own applications in the upcoming months. 

Alumni Panel from left to right: Lee Crosby, Shelby Vaughn, Melinda Cater and Philip Bobrowsky