
Study Abroad in Greece

Greece Study Abroad Trip

March 1, 2018

The Department of Nutrition and Food Science is offering a summer session 3-credit course on the Mediterranean diet and culture involving pre-travel instruction for 4 days at UMD and a 2-week travel to Greece. The length of the course, including travel to Greece, will be approximately 3 weeks and will include field trips, service learning and class time. Introductory classes will be presented by guest lecturers in Athens followed by lectures, activities and field trips in the Nafplion area. Activities will include exploring Greek cooking through demonstration and cooking classes and field trips to learn about the Mediterranean diet, cheese, yogurt and wine making, olive trees and olive oil processing and preservation. Hiking trips will be led in the surrounding areas to learn about Greek mythology and the exploration of wild herbs and their use in cooking.

University of Maryland, College Park on-campus dates are May 24th-29th, 2018.
In-country component dates are June 2nd- 16th, 2018.

For more information, check out the UMD Study abroad page